The Company invests in the coal and platinum sectors with the strategic intent to diversify into other mineral sectors locally and on the continent. The Company further pursues operational opportunities in transport and logistics, long and short distance haulage of various mining commodities, cost-effective plant and tool hire, consulting and management services.

Northam Platinum
Industry: MiningType: Current Northam Platinum is an independent integrated PGM producer listed on the JSE. The primary operations are centered on their two wholly owned mines, Zondereinde and Booysendal, and the additional metallurgical operations at Zondereinde.
Zambezi Platinum
Industry: MiningType: Current Zambezi is a special purpose Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) vehicle established in October 2014 as a result of a R6.6 billion BBBEE transaction with Northam Platinum Limited (Northam). The transaction included the successful raising of R4.6 billion and was approved by Northam shareholders on 19 March 2015. Zambezi comprises a range of historically disadvantaged South African (HDSA) stakeholders including an Employee Trust, two Community Trusts, a Women’s Consortium and a core of Strategic Partners. These stakeholders hold a combined 31.4% stake in Northam.
SMS Mining
Industry: MiningType: Current The SMS Group was established in August 2017 by Piet du Toit and Richard Aucamp. Both of the founders are proven players in the Mining Sector with each having over 20 years of experience. SMS Mining is a mining services support Company with an impeccable record, driven by highly experienced individuals to provide the following services: Primary & Secondary Support, Portal Development & Support, Silo Rehabilitation, Mining & Development and Underground Construction, Opencast Mining, Grout Plants, Crushing & Screening, Logistics and Material Handling. Sakhumnotho holds a 10% equity stake in this fast growing business.PAST INVESTMENTS